These are the published times --- 2 practice then 3 competition runs Mine above was what I thought Stuart said
Stylus 2lt 57.02 secs 61.69 secs 4 whhels off

54.57 secs 58.18 secs after oil spill
Escort Cossy 2lt 60.21 secs 57.34 secs 60.29 secs
6R4 2.8lt 62.67 secs 58.9 secs 58.93 secs
6R4 3.5lt 68.7 secs 62.53 secs 84.95 secs

lt 64.71 secs 60.72 secs 62.06 secs 60.36 secs 61.18 secs
It was the 6R4 2.8lt that beat me last year ---- and I'd beat him for 12 yrs till then. I was surprised the 6R4 3.5lt wasn't quick and had thought the Escort Cossy would beat me . Only the M3 did 3 competition runs , the rest of us didn't go out for the lot once the oil was down ---- well I did just one run to check it out but saw no point in the possibility of ending up in the trees so left it at that
My friend Simon Boulter took FTD in his FURY Hyabusa 1300 modified weighing just 450kgs/slicks at 51.87 secs and had never been to Eelmoor before
Put his marker down