ye Rob, it would be embroidered on

the pic is just a paint shop chop around from my car

probly hava go at one ,more face on so there isnt 2 wings showing

would need to gray the wheels up to put it on a black fleece

r somthin like that ..
I can get something made up on these lines if your interested ,(r any one) ,have sent my yellow logo off to be made up .guna put it on a fleece ,first .
could even make logos of each club members car 's but there would be a set up charge for each one.
would make them very exspensive , disc set up for myn was £50.00
,but once you have your set up disc that is it you only have to pay for the embroidering on eack jacket ,fleece etc about £3.00 each .and the clothing
(set up disc is a disc made up at the embroiders , taken from the PDF file of the logo that works out the layout etc for the logo.
then it is used to do the stitching on the cloth.

something on them lines any way)