Well at least it's in the shed now

After my tree incident it got loaded on the trailer the easiest way at the time which was backwards . Unfortunately it couldn't come off the trailer front ways and straight into the shed or it would end up with the rear facing the outer doors . That was going to make it difficult to repair so somehow I had to get it off the trailer and get it into the shed backwards ----------- tricky
The trailer only just literally scrapes past my house as it has poly mudguards so the L.Cruiser can't back it past because it's wider than the trailer . This means we have to push it past with the car on the trailer weighing jointly over a tonne

It had to be turned around somehow
I've had a week or more to think about it ---- facing the wrong way on three wheels ---- chassis & sump & broken f/glass dragging the lawn(soggy

SO ------------ I had a brainwave

I got my heavy duty rotovator out and bolted a large nut/bolt to the front weight carrier , leaving 40mm sticking upwards . It has reverse gears . Hooked this bolt under the trailer hitch --- hung onto the handles to transfer weight to the roto's tyres ---- then dragged the trailer past the house and into the front gravel drive area . Here I wound up the trailer jocky wheel which made it rest solely on just two wheels and the roto' then turned the whole thing in a circle ready to go back past the house

The roto' got it right up to the shed doors . Here I laid out 5 sheets of 8 x 4 3/4 plywood behind the trailer over the soggy lawn . She came off quite well once the sump/chassis was past the ramp hooks and onto the ply. Shifted the trailer back out the way then put more ply down behind the car as we pushed it backwards close to the slight ramp to the shed. We struggled here and failed so disconnected the fuel power and the ECU --- put her in reverse and turned the key ----- great

. Back in the shed at last
Couldn't start it , as some of you might be thinking , cos the radiator's buggered = no water
This week and last , we had builders working here so there was no chance to move anything around