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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:05 pm
by stylussprinter
se7ensport wrote:I'm very keen for a stylus meet, if its this area brilliant. Regarding combe there are usually some cheap charity track days that come along, theres a stroke action day which is usually about £50 for a full day of track action :D
I'd be very interested if a track day was to be had for £50 :D

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:20 pm
by se7ensport
stylussprinter wrote:
se7ensport wrote:I'm very keen for a stylus meet, if its this area brilliant. Regarding combe there are usually some cheap charity track days that come along, theres a stroke action day which is usually about £50 for a full day of track action :D
I'd be very interested if a track day was to be had for £50 :D ... day-p80161

the deal previously was that you had to raise sponsorship, and the minimum amount was £50, no date is given but if I remember corectly its near the beginning of the year. probably worth giving the organiser a call