No surprize to report the Radical SR8 V8 won our class at 62 sec's from memory (don't have written results as yet) This of course wasn't a complete lap of Coombe We started in the pitlane where it narrows from the collecting area and finished just a ' spit ' after the right kink following the last chicane . So no Camp corner -- presume that was to deal with the huge entry numbers. FTD was Steve Broughton in his 2lt Dallara at 55 sec's
Sports Libre over 1800cc -- 3 of us.
SR8 62sec's
Stylus(me) 69sec's
Anglia V6 3lt COSWORTH ? Couldn't see his time on the board.
Both Anglia/SR8 on slicks , me on list 1B's (Avon zzr's) My first practice was 74 sec's then 72 sec's . First timed run 72 sec's then finally the 69 sec's best. Without the results sheet I'm not totally sure but think I was 2nd in class but of course no award for 2nd with just 3 entries. Hopefully I'll get a result sheet either posted or online and report again. Surfice to say , I didn't get one perfect lap , improving one corner then mistakes on another that were nailed on a previous lap
Don't really know what a good time should be for my sort of car at Coombe but Jeff Wiltshire/Phoenix 400bhp s.charged did a 65 sec's best to win his roadgoing class

----------------------- so I've a long way to catch up
I found it more technical than Goodwood which although very fast , once you know it just requires '' balls '' whereas Coombe has you very busy all through the lap so tricky to be smooth.
The weather was VERY VERY hot , great for grip but exhausting without the benefit of Goodwood's paddock garages