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Corner Weighting - finally got round to doing it

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:17 pm
by se7ensport
Decided that I'd had enough of the rear suspension bottoming out and thought that while I'm under it I may as well do it properly.

I couldn't justify the cost of a set of professional scales, and the lever type seem to be a bit pain to use...... so I bought 8 bathroom scales from asda, and put a piece of wood across the top of each pair to spread the load. I also found this spreadsheet which really sped up the process ... eights.xls , it took a total of 1 1/2hours (much quicker than I expected!).

As an added bonus it Turned out that with driver and passenger I was running a negative wedge, I've now adjusted it to +10mm (again with passenger) to see the difference it makes, I forget to take a reading without a passenger but expect it to be a few more mm on the positive side.

Looking forward to taking it out tomorrow to feel the difference.

The scales were a bargain at £2.98 each, if anyone wants to borrow them let me know.
