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Dash Board Needed...... Any ideas?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:25 pm
by Antnicuk
I need a dash, I would like an original one if possible as its nicely shaped and i still have the top cover section.

As I have a cat hells chance of finding an original, any ideas are greatly received. what to make it out of and how you have done it


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:35 pm
by Pete&Matt
Call up fisher fury. £85 for the same as Tim supplied basically! Measured it all up and all the dims are the same. They do about 3 different types i think. Have a look on their website under the build pictures section.


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:51 pm
by whiterabbit
If I had known how simple the SSC dash was I'd have made mine from scratch. I'll measure and draw if you like.


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:00 am
by Antnicuk
I have the old one but its got loads of holes and it split. It has a curved raised bit above the steering wheel which is the only hard bit to replicate