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Kit car scene

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:40 am
by stylussprinter
There's people on the Sylvachatlist complaining about no replies to phone , emails etc from their particular supplier during the past year or months in some cases. Fury , Phoenix/Rainbird -- bits still owed etc . The financial low we're in has eventually affected , even quite large numbers sold , Kit manufacturers :roll: At least we aren't the only ones :)
At the moment it seems that only Jeremy Phillips/Sylva and RAW are thriving or appear to be .
Very sad but ' kits ' are a luxury so will be the first to be shelved or not bought while things are so tight. :(

Re: Kit car scene

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:25 pm
by Werner Van Loock
Don't know if they will be the first to be shelved. The way money can perish nowadays (banks going tits up) people tend to spend they're money instead.

Result in the dutch kitcarclub 4 GD T70's are ordered :shock:

and that aint the cheap side of the kitcarmarket

Re: Kit car scene

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:51 pm
by stylussprinter
Werner Van Loock wrote:Don't know if they will be the first to be shelved. The way money can perish nowadays (banks going tits up) people tend to spend they're money instead.

Result in the dutch kitcarclub 4 GD T70's are ordered :shock:

and that aint the cheap side of the kitcarmarket
Well yes , that's true for some but others have no money to spend or even no job over here right now . Members of my family have been warned in advance re -- a cut in salary plus some redundancies but not who they will be yet :roll: Formal warnings etc for not meeting targets that are impossible to attain :evil: