Well it's not off the trailer yet cos it's going to take more than me to get it off . I can see my way through the process now though , the body work was my major worry , being able to shape the wing/grill and front light pod to the original lovely curves . After many texts , phone calls here and there , I can now get a part front body to hatch into the messy hole , it's just a matter of time , money and repairing all the mechanical stuff first.DH2 wrote:Ouch.
Sorry to see the car in that state Rob. Though of course the most important thing is that you are ok.
Hope it's not too much hassle to get it back to its former glory.
Good job I'm retiring next year aye there'll be plenty for me to do and this time it'll need a spray job ---- don't think I can make a ' can ' spray look good enough
I'll also need headlight covers so there's an opportunity for anyone wanting to use polycarbonate covers to get them from me once I've got that sorted . (already on to that one before this happened )
Got a damn stiff neck and back but then I could hardly bend to do my shoe laces up before Sunday anyway cos I've had an excruciating back problem since August