It's Monday morning and time to reflect on yesterday at Brands for the very first time ----------- h'mmm

To be absolutely frank it was not my best ever performance which is to put it mildly . Practice wasn't until 10-20am which was 2.5 laps of the Indy circuit --- immediately followed by two timed runs of 1.5 laps . All sprint runs had to be clear of the circuit by 12-55am
My practice was ok but slow for me at 99sec's for the first 1.5 laps of the 2.5 laps practice but it served the purpose of showing me you can't relax around here

--- unlike Goodwood which is mighty damn quick but does give time to think while rocketing around the 2.4 mile circuit
OK . so I'd seen the circuit and was now intending to get serious --- h'mmm

First timed run , I shot off the line quite well but you had to stay within the white line before Paddock so tight early entry was the only choice ---------------- phew

down into Paddock in 4th with fettled throttle then accellerating into
the dip and up the hill is a bloody leap of faith , dropped into 3rd
under braking for Druids , turned in with too much speed and plenty
of understeer as a result which put me into the gravel
So after much clearing out of gravel from everywhere it could possibly get , I got inline for my very last chance to get some points . I wanted it to be a respectable run but needed to concentrate more to stay on the tarmac. I shot off ok and had a good run up to the Bridge , braking earlier than before , getting though Druids safely. The rest of the circuit and pit straight went well but after my next pass of Druids I was meant to come off along the Cooper straight/timing beam

-------------- at this stage , concentrating on getting a better run , I totally forgot how many laps I'd done and promptly did another complete lap
Appologies to the Clerk resulted in me being given a time which was a relief , because I honestly thought I'd be disqualified for it
My time was 97.2 sec's which was pretty dismal and probably off the pace by 8 sec's
My opposition wasn't there which means I'll get maximum points but the 1st in class award is a little embarrassing ------------- BUT very useful all the same(the points I mean)
David and Chris Hussey in their Striker albeit not in my class were on the pace at 89 and 88 sec's , so that's the benchmark . They have a beautifully prepaired car on ACB10's running a 1600 Corsa 200bhp approx , the car weighing in at 538kgs so Chris was telling me .
Debden next , so I'll find out what 6 years absence does to my times there